The document variables present the context information as:
{"doc1": {"id": 7, " processInstanceId ": 6, "name": "doc1", "author": 4, " creationDate ": 1599156529940, " fileName ": "doc_name.pdf", " contentMimeType ":" application / pdf "," contentStorageId ":" 7 "," url ":" documentDownload ? fileName = doc_name.pdf & contentStorageId = 7 "," description ":" "," version ":" 1 "," index ": -1," contentFileName ":" doc_name.pdf "}," doc2 ": null}
The displayed url parameter is used only to download the document:
... / bonita / portal / documentDownload ? fileName = doc_name.pdf & contentStorageId = 7
I need to know the URL where the file is stored. The URL should take me to the file, but not download it.