Does Bonitasoft need to be installed for each user of a Linux system so all can use Studio simultaneously?
It appears to be that way but I thought I’d ask. Linux is multiuser and it would seem that a BPMS should be able to be installed once on a Linux system and then have a team of Business Process Modeler’s work simultaneously off of it.
Is this not possible with Bonitasoft?
Hello Brian,
Bonita is a platform to design and execute business applications.
- Design: each team member (business or developer) needs to install and work on a local Bonita Studio to view or edit a design
- Execution: a Bonita server needs to be installed to host designed business applications and can be used for development, qualification, user acceptance, pre-production and production, etc.
When team members need to collaborate working on the same design, there are two different stories depending on the edition you use:
- Community: it is up to the team to define the way to collaborate (usually using BOS files)
- Enterprise: a feature is integrated into the Bonita Studio to track the design modifications and share with other team members, it is based on SVN or Git repositories