Doing a query on a BDM custom that has a date

Hi Community,

I have a BDM model that contains a list of events that are created by date (DATE ONLY). 

I created a custom query to return all events for a period of time. The dateFrom and dateTo are defined as parameters of type java.time.LocalDate

FROM Evenement e
WHERE e.dateEvenement >=  :dateFrom
AND c.dateEvenement <=  :dateTo

In a page, I used 2 standard date picker with a technical date format of  yyyy-MM-dd to get the From and To date and try to query the BDM but it always retunred a 500.

    "exception": "class org.bonitasoft.engine.exception.BonitaRuntimeException",
    "message": "USERNAME=walter.bates | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unable to parse \\u0027\\u00222022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\\u0022\\u0027 to type java.time.LocalDate"

Here is the request that was generated by the UI:



Doing some test, I found out that the following query works. The difference being that the date is not quoted, it has to be sent in this format and does not have the time.



I was able to get around this issue by generating the complete query parameter using javascript and storing it in a variable (queryparam) and adding it to an external API

External API: 



var formControl ={};

$data.queryparam = 'q=findByDateEntraineurPlus&p=0&c=1000&f=dateEvenementFrom=' +  $data.dateDu.toISOString().slice(0,10) + '&f=dateEvenementTo=' + $data.dateAu.toISOString().slice(0,10);

return formControl;

I find this to be a very ugly workaround, is there an easier way to pass the date to the BDM without the javascript?




Inspired by this documentation page:

I would suggest the following:

In the External API variable use a syntax like dateFrom={{dateVar | uiDate:'YYYY-MM-dd'}}

This way the query parameter of your API call is formatted the way it is expected by the API. 

Let me know if that works for you,

Captain Bonita