Dropdown list or radio button submit - Goes to selected form

Dear Sir/Mdm,

Can Bonitasoft support the following feature?

  1. User select one of forms from radio button list
  2. User will be direct to selected forms to fill up its details.

How to do about it? Gateway ? inclusive/exclusive or parallel?



Yes, you have several ways to do that depending on your needs and the version of Bonita that you use.

  1. If you have Community version, you can use gateways. You can use the inclusive gateway if you need to activate all outgoing transitions that have a condition that evaluates to true (so one or several forms). And you will use the exclusive gateway if you need only one outgoing transition (so one form). You will just put the select option in a data to use it in your conditions.
    More information: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/gateways

  2. If you have a Subscription (Teamwork and more), you will use pageflows. This will allow you to have conditions between forms and Previous/Next buttons.
    More information: http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/multipage-forms
