EclipseDay Delft will be held on 27th September. (As you can guess by the logo, Delft is in the Netherlands).
I'm happy to announce that BonitaSoft - the company I work for - is a sponsor of the event which will be focusing on "tools and techniques to support the software development process".
There will be a great line-up including:
- an Eclipse Foundation Director Ecosystem Europe
- several Eclipse project leaders
- several Eclipse committers
- a Google Anita Borg Recipient 2012 winner
The talk will be based on our three years experience in developing Bonita Open Solution Studio, an RCP application with two friendly and highly customized GMF Editors.
We will be looking at the tools and methodologies we currently use to continuously improve, maintain and test our GMF editors.
Even after three years, we are still able to bring innovation to these editors. As a proof of our success, we have been awarded a prize for the “Best Modeling Application” in the Eclipse Community Award 2011.
I will also talk about the future, which tools and methodologies we plan to use, change, improve and keep.
See you there!
Nota: if unfortunately you can’t come to EclipseDay Delft and you would like to attend my talk, you can vote for my submission at EclipseCon Europe.