Embedding forms in external apps

Hi All,

I want to use Bonita BPM to streamline processes, but I have a need to show the forms in an external app, not Bonita's User application.

For example:

I have a form defined (either using UI Designer or External Form) in a node/step in the process, an instance of the process is running, and now I want the user that is using my web app that I build to show the form so that they submit it from there.

I can think of duplicating the form in my app, and submit the information using API calls to the running instance, but that's duplicaiton, is there an easy way to just show the form defined in Bonita?



Hello Sari,

If you do not want to implement your own forms inside your external web app, you can still display Bonita Forms using the documented URLs: https://documentation.bonitasoft.com/bonita/2021.2/bonita-bpm-applications-urls

Using an iFrame for instance

Hope this helps

Captain Bonita