Error : can't leave Input file empty

Hello everyone,

I would like to set up a 'file upload' where you can upload a file, and keep it in a 'formOutput.fileStudentPlanContract' (with fileStudentPlanContract being a contract of a file type).

I can later retrieve it with no problem, however I can't seem to leave the field empty, (as if it was mandatory) as this debug msg is displayed :

Debug message
Error while validating expected inputs

  • Expected input [fileStudentPlanContract] is missing

I found a similar case to mine, but I can't really understand the solution very well, and I wasn't sure if since 2016, there wasn't a simpler solution to my case,


Thank you in advance.

In current version of Bonita it is still not possible to have optional contract input. So the workaround explain in the question you linked is still the appropriate answer to your use case.

In the example input1 should be replaced by fileStudentPlanContract.