I have found an error while editing a task variable, and it does not let me update a variable:
“org.bonitasoft.studio.model.expression.impl.ExpressionImpl cannot be cast to java.util.List”
This error happens with any variable type, Integer, String, Boolean…
I’m working on: Bonita BPM Community Edition 6.3.3.
can any help me? Thanks!
Hi there,
I’ve also just tested this with 6.3.3 and have a similar (the same problem)…It lloks like it is an error in refactoring code.
How to test…
- create a one step process
- add a LONG variable to the step
- close the variable add window
- double click to edit the variable
- change type from Long to Text
- the refactoring window opens and sits there - I had to crash the whole Studio to get Java to respond…
I’ve opened a ticket on Bonita JIRA here… if you want to follow.
- Delete the variable and create a new one…
Hi jrestrepo, where do you modify the variable? if you are on a groovy script be sure to return a java.util.List variable. Please give some more detail like the code you use. Cheers
Hi enrico.curiotto, for example I create a Long variable (in a no-human task) with default value ‘8’, next when I try to modify that variable to ‘80’ default value or type to String ----> “org.bonitasoft.studio.model.expression.impl.ExpressionImpl cannot be cast to java.util.List” happens. I don’t understand why java.util.List, if I’m using Long, String, Boolean… types in declaration and assignation.
look at this image http://imgur.com/03jAvmZ
I found this situation doesn’t occur in human tasks’ variables nor process variables!
Yes Sean, the only way to modify a variable is deleting it and create other. This way is not efficient, but it’s the only one.