Error Encountered When Running Processes in Bonita

Hi Guys,

I have a database connector that executes an insert statement. Create a variable that will be used in insert statement and then I run the process but encountered the error below.

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Failed to add Process resources from configuration. Error while building Jar for Groovy scripts provided by Bonita BPM.
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099919580.groovy
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099919782.groovy
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099927177.groovy
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099924946.groovy
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099927645.groovy
Exported with compile errors: default/src-providedGroovy/script1493099927817.groovy