ERROR: Method 'com.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI.login' cannot be called until node has been started (PlatformAPI.startNode())

No changes to Bonita or the server in 2 weeks, restarted server yesterday, now only able to access the login screen. When I attempt to login, I get a 500 error.
Log file has : Method ‘com.bonitasoft.engine.api.LoginAPI.login’ cannot be called until node has been started (PlatformAPI.startNode())

I am using Bonita 6.5.3 Subscription

As you are subscription you will have a support contract. I would use that to get help on this issue, it’s not one I’ve seen often.


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved.

I did some more review of the logs and the error is caused because I needed to start Bonita with only two processors. Works now. Thank you for your input.

As suggest by Sean I would recommend to get in touch with Bonitasoft support.

Also if you can share the latest log files (Engine and application server) that can help to figure out what is the issue (root cause might be before the log message you quote).

I got the same issue today. What do you mean by “I needed to start Bonita with only two processors.”. Where do I need to check this?

Limitation for number of CPU cores only apply to Subscription editions. If you are using Community edition the root cause is probably different. I recommend you start a new discussion thread and provide your Bonita and Tomcat full log file.