Exception while connecting to Oracle database

Hi All,
Iam getting the following exception after configuring the database connector
and running the process.

“org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter logExceptions
SEVERE: error enlisting a JdbcConnectionHandle of a JdbcPooledConnection from datasource jdbc/bonitaDSXA in state ACCESSIBLE with usage count 1 wrapping xads0: conn3: url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9091/bonita_journal.db user=SA on conn4: url=jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9091/bonita_journal.db user=SA”

I am new to Bonita BPM and using the Bonita 6.0.4 (SP) version

I followed the below steps to configure the Database connector

1.Selected the Oracle 11g connector
2.selected the default driver(ojdbc6.jar)
3.provided the database access information(driver,url,un,pwd)
4. provided the query in groovy script
5.provided connector out attaching a groovy script.
6.And ran the process where i got the above exception(in Tomcat logs)

Is there any additional steps/configurations i have to make?,pls help me on this.



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