External authentication and Bonita Portal user existence

In previous versions of Bonita (5.*) there wasn't any need for user accounts to actualy exist in Bonita Portal. What if I don't want to use LDAP/AD authentication but some custom third party authentication mechanism which doesn't expose users through LDAP protocol? How can I overcome the need for user existence within portal?

In 5.* releases Bonita supported authentication mechanisms like Jasig CAS for example. This isn't available in 6.* community editions anymore?

So you would like to use v6 without creating users, right ?

Yes. Exactly. I have Bonita 5.10 authentication configured wiht Jasig CAS and it works great. There is no need to import any users in Bonita to be able to autheniticate.

I would like to accomplish the same thing with Bonita 6.* too.

Any update on this one? ttoine? This is realy important to me and is a show stopper from using Bonita 6.x.

We are working on a Howto for community blog. I hope it will be available soon.

Great. Thanks for info.

Hi ttoine,

Do you have any link to the Howto for this configuration(Bonita 6 + Not imported external users)?
I have been searching it but i cannot found it.

Thanks in advance.