first load : hibernate transaction begin failed. closing hibernate session


i have configured bonita 5.10.2 with mysql and it works fine, but after inactivity i get this log :

juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM org.ow2.bonita.runtime.tx.HibernateSessionResource GRAVE: hibernate transaction begin failed. closing hibernate session: org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC begin failed: juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM org.ow2.bonita.runtime.tx.HibernateSessionResource GRAVE: hibernate transaction begin failed. closing hibernate session: org.hibernate.TransactionException: JDBC begin failed: juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM execute GRAVE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.APIInterceptor$APIInterceptorCommand@227510a7: Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: Cannot release connection

juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM org.bonitasoft.console.server.cases.CaseServlet getAllCases
GRAVE: Unable to list cases in which the user is active.
juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM execute
GRAVE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.APIInterceptor$APIInterceptorCommand@3398559d: Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: Cannot release connection

juin 30, 2015 9:43:32 AM org.bonitasoft.console.server.processes.ProcessServlet getStartableProcesses
GRAVE: Unexpected Exception arrived in Bonita: Cannot release connection

do you know how to resolve this ?

thank you


apparently, bonita 5x is not shipped with a Connection pool and so your databases connection get exhausted after a while:
the Mysql server forcefully close idle connections and hibernate doesn’t check their states, or can close connections correctly because they are already close (it’s not its job).

Maybe those links will provide a solution for you :

Thank you


i have followed the tutorials to resolve the probleme, but i get always the same errors :
-i added the c3p0 jar to /WEB-INF
-i added the cp3p0.propreies to /WEB-INF/classes
-i also edited the web.xml …

so my question, what is the best way to configure the hibernate pool connection ?

thank you,