Hey folks,
In HTML I can use the following for a dropdown:
On submit, the database would store the value rather than the text.
I want to pull data from my database and use the value/data in a dropdown list. Pulling the data from the DB is easy, I have that now as a list. But how do I assign the list to a form dropdown and tell bonita that whatever option is selected to use the ‘value’ rather than the ‘text’?
I think that to do that you can use a HashMap or similar Collection item.
In the HashMap there is a key/value system so you can display only the key list and when you submit the form, you get the value corresponding to the selected key.
To create the Hashmap :
HashMap<String,String> hashmap = new HashMap<String,String>();
// for each Data, you add it in the hashmap
Then in the widget you can get the key list with :
So, when I use the connector to get the data, it does not allow me to use hashmap.
It does allow me to use HashMappedList.
If I create a java.hashmap variable in the connector, once created, it does not show in the list to use in result. But, HashMappedList does. Is that ok to use?
HashMap<String,String> hm= new HashMap<String,String>();
while (resultset.next()) {
String key = resultset.getString(‘myKey’);
String value = resultset.getString(‘myValue’);
return hm;
For example in a table ‘CAR’ I have a column ‘name’ and a column ‘description’. I want to have all the car’s names in the list and when I submit the form, I get the description of the car I select.
My sql query is “SELECT * FROM CAR”.
In the script I have :
String key = resultset.getString(‘name’);
String value = resultset.getString(‘description’);
My hasmap is called ‘myHashMP’. My select is called ‘myDropdown’ So, I am doing:
retrun myHashMP.get(myDropdown)
This should be returning the id from the value. So I have set the return type to integer. I am selecting a integer variable in the pool ‘theId’ as ‘Output Operation’.
My next form uses ‘theId’ as data in a text so that I can check it, but no data is shown. Any idea?
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