get the lane actor in groovy


I'm using bonita 6.0.4.

I'd like to send an email to the lane actor in my project but I don't find the way...

I've managed ton send the email to the initiator doing :

return BonitaUsers.getUserProfessionalContactInfo(apiAccessor,BonitaUsers.getProcessInstanceInitiator(apiAccessor,processInstanceId).getId()).getEmail();

But I can't get the others actors ...

Does someone has a clue ?

Thanks for any help.



The actors configured on the lane is tied to the processDefinition, not the processInstance, which stores the user after execution of the task.

I believe you would need to use [processAPI.getActors](, int, int, and [getActorMembers](, int, int)) or something similar.

Then you will get the contact information with the method you have refered previously …

for those who are interested, I found the answer there :

Thanks for your answer !

I’m pretty new to bonita … So I haven’t managed to make it work so far. I’ve tried it in many ways but without success.
Do you have an example of the use of these methods ?