Get Variable Return the Bonita Flow


I created a variable “myVariable” type Double in Bonita Studio 6.3.1.

I exported the file. “Bar” and need to know how to retrieve the value of this variable through the java API Runtime BOS 6.3.1.

final LoginAPI loginAPI = TenantAPIAccessor.getLoginAPI(); System.out.println("Logando como install,install"); APISession sessionAPI = loginAPI.login("install", "install"); System.out.println("Logado como install,install"); ProcessAPI processAPI = TenantAPIAccessor.getProcessAPI(sessionAPI); System.out.println("processAPI criado"); BusinessArchive businessArchive = null; String pathBarRepositorio = "D:\\"; // deploy the bar file File fileBarTmp = new File(pathBarRepositorio); businessArchive = BusinessArchiveFactory.readBusinessArchive(fileBarTmp); long processDefinitionId = processAPI.getProcessDefinitionId(processDefinition.getName(), processDefinition.getVersion()); Map variables = new HashMap(); variables.put("varIn1", 10); variables.put("varIn2", 20); ProcessInstance processInstance = processAPI.startProcess(processDefinitionId,null,variables);


How do I retrieve a variable output flow value in Bonita Runtime?


I think your are looking for that method which allow you to get a process data value based on the process instance ID and the name of the process data you want:, long)

Hope it helps,
