I am currently trying to install the “BOS-5.10.1 - Tomcat-6.0.35” software onto a MS Windows 2008 R2 server (64bit).
So far I’ve
Downloaded and installed Java jre-7u45-windows-x64 onto the server, and checked the Java panel is in Control Panel.
Downloaded and unzipped the above BOS file, into a new folder C:\BOS.
Rebooted the server.
This is following the advice from here → http://documentation.bonitasoft.com/5x/bos-58/system-administration/installation/install-bos-bundles/install-bos-tomcat-bundle
This is a Proof of Concept installation, so no need to use anything else than the h2 database.
Tried to run C:\BOS\bin\startup.bat, on a remote client session, and the black text box appears and then disappears quickly, but the browser is not seeing a runner BOS server using the url “http://:8080/bonita”
Any pointers of what could be going wrong would be helpful.