I’m working on a Liferay portlet to handle my bonitas workflows.
so far we’ve integrated the start process / case handling / task handling quite easily with the bonita’s API.
Now, we’d like ton let the user fill the human tasks’ forms through Liferay but we haven’t find the way to do it…
Does someone know how we can get the fields of human task through the API ? (we don’t want to use a iFrame)
Thanks for any help,
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you cannot get form of fields through API. You can only integrate entire Bonita form in an iFrame (check documentation about getting a form by url ). But you can APIs to update process or activity data (for example, methods updateActivityInstanceVariables or updateProcessDataInstance )
Hope this helps,
We want to integrate ours processes in a portail. So we would like that any process could be handle through our app without showing the bonita interface.
I’ve tried
Collection listeDataInstances = (Collection) processAPI.getActivityDataInstances(207L, 0, 10);
but it lists even the process datas that aren’t shown on the task 207.
Is there something like a boolean to tell if the data is used on a specific task ?
Thanks for the answer (even if another one would have been great
)! We’ll try to find a way around then …
Using API to update data should be good enough. That way you can build your own forms (why don’t you want to integrate Bonita forms?) and manipulate data by API.
But is it possible to get the data list of process variables used on of specific task ?
That’s what we’ve been stuck on…
Every task and/or process variable can be used on the given task. It is up to you to decide what you want to update or use. Not sure to understand what you want to say by “variables used on a specific task”, sorry.
We want our code to be used on a process built by someone else, so we don’t know which process variables are used on a specific task. (my sentence wasn’t very correct : " is it possible to get the list of process variables used on of specific task" without the “data” - See more at: http://community.bonitasoft.com//answers/getting-human-tasks-fields-third-party-application#sthash.3fHJ1Sn0.dpuf