"Getting started tutorial"-Linking the button in the application page to process form does not work


I’m trying to link a button “Create new travel request” to process.
After building the application and clicking on the button, I get an error from IE.
I entered the URL including in the tutorial into the button’s URL. I cannot find the
Error cause.


Would you please support me to solve the problem?
Thank you

I just test your process and application page and it seems to work just fine.

Make sure that before using your application you actually deploy your process definition and BDM. In the Studio opening the process and clicking on “Run” button will actually deploy the BDM and the process definition.

Also for debugging I recommend to use the developer console of your web browser and check the response HTTP code and look for errors (4xx or 5xx).

Hi Antoine,
thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately I could’nt get your answer … I’ve done all the steps described in “https://www.bonitasoft.com/resources/videos/getting-started-tutorial

What do you mean with deploying the process Definition and BDM?

As Admin, I imported TravelTool page as Ressources, created Travel App as Applications and added Travel tool page to Pages of the Application.

I checked the target URL for “Create new travel request” button on the Travel app. (–> /bonita/portal/resource/process/Travel%20Request/1.0/content/?id="+processDef[0].id)

Thank you for your Support

From the URL that is called I can tell that the configuration of the “URL” property of the “Create new travel request” button is incorrect. The operation should be evaluated and, instead of +processDef[0].id, you should have the actual process definition id of the deployed travel request process.

This error is usually related to the way the property is configured. You need to click on the “fx” button on the right hand of the property field to use the dynamic value mode instead of a constant.

You can go in UI Designer help menu (question mark on the top right corner) in Properties section to learn more about constant, Dynamic value (fx)…

Note that the video was made with Bonita 7.2 and not updated since. I recommend you check the latest update in the documentation if you face any issues.

Hi Antoine,

I checked the URL, it is NOT as constant, it is as fx. The URL is copy-paste from the document.
Here is the link to page-TravelTool:

Here is the link to .bos file:

Do you have another idea to solve the Problem?
If you need any screenshots or …, please tell me.


Actually you are still using the constant mode. You need to click on the fx button to switch to expression. You can refer to the button mouse over tooltips.
Note that we have an improvement request reported internally to make that more obvious.

Hi Antoine,
Thank you for your answer. The problem is still not solved but maybe soon…
I changed the fx to x. (the description in the Video is incorrect)
It is confucing because normally fx is for function and dynamic values…

I saved and exported it again. I updated the page (in the resources) by uploading of the new page …

After clicking on the …/apps/travel , the TravelApp is opened but the button “Create new travel request” does not work anymore. It does nothing, it opens no new pages :frowning:

Does the button “Create new travel request” work in your app, after clicking the fx?
Could you open a new request form? Unfortunately I cannot.

I hope that you can still Support me to find a solution


There is also a missing double quote at the begining of: /bonita/portal/resource/process/Travel%20Request/1.0/content/?id="+processDef[0].id

So switching to expression and adding the missing double quote fix the issue. If you still face similar issue please share the URL called. It’s usually give useful indication about the issue.

Hi Antoine,
The Problem is solved :slight_smile:
Thank you for your Support!

Did you check the URL being called?

Hi Antoine,

The Problem with button is solved, the called URL is: http://localhost:8080/bonita/apps/travel/requests/
I have another question:
I am logged in as Walter Bates. I could fill out the form and submit it. Helen Kelly receives the request for Manager Review. Fine, but when I choose the Travel Request I cannot see the form for reviewTravelRequest. Helen can just write some comments for the Travel Request but cannot see any more fields for approval/rejection …

What do you think?
earlier without having an application, the request could be forwarded to the second form and I could fill out the second form

Thank you