Getting the form info from user task

Hi there,

Is it possible to get the form information (form key or form url or something like this) from the user tasks using Bonita 6.2 APIs? I need to embed the engine into my own web app and use it from there. In order for my app to display the forms for the current user task(s), I need to know which form to display to the user. I don't want to store the mappings between current user task and corresponding form outside the process, they belong together in a natural way. Could any one help me with this, please?

Thank you.



As a hack, I could create a form using Bonita form builder, and simply add some text in the form representing the form key and then retrieving the form key thru an http request into the form url as suggested by the provided URL, but this is not an ideal solution and I don't even know if it works until I try it.

i would start with this doc:
Does this help you ?

Any better solution, please?

Thank you so much for the quick reply! I have already read the info at the provided URL. Let me add to my question the fact that I want to display a JSF page for the user task. I don't want to use the form generated by Bonita's form builder, but my own JSF page. The easiest and most natural way would be for me to be able to access the user task's form key or form id, much the same as Activiti process engine API does, if you know what I mean.

Please, be same as quick again! :)