Groups are not creating with exception: org.bonitasoft.engine.transaction.STransactionCommitException...

Hello anyone, anywere! I have big problem: I make new process and it’s need to load on production in our company.
But, I can’t create new group and can’t select current processes with exceptions! Please help me!

Bonita Community 7.1.0, Cent OS, PostgresSQL 9.5.

I login in Bonita portal by System admin I go to organization tab and choose Groups → create Group. Next step I fill group Name and Display name, and when Iclic on CREATE button, I have exception:

USERNAME=bpm_admin | org.bonitasoft.engine.transaction.STransactionCommitException: RuntimeException thrown during beforeCompletion cycle caused transaction rollback

So strange…In logs file:

Caused by: org.bonitasoft.engine.transaction.STransactionCommitException: RuntimeException thrown during beforeCompletion cycle caused transaction rollback

Caused by: RuntimeException thrown during beforeCompletion cycle caused transaction rollback
Caused by: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not execute statement
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "group__pkey" Detail: Key (tenantid, id)=(1, 8) already exists.

What?? System working about 8 month without problems, now I want only create new groups!!! What a fuck?))))

And so interesting cause in tab Processes, when I click on this tab, I receive exception: Item not found
and, when I try to select any installed process, I got one more exception: Item not found.


That looks weird. Hard to debug like that, but to start I would try to restart the server to see if it makes any difference.
Also another thing that can cause issue is if you have multiple instance of the Bonita server running on the same DB, that can happen sometimes if a previous shutdown of the server went wrong and you still have a Java process connected to the DB.


Hi, thanks for your answer. Of cource, I want to restart server, but I can do it only in Sunday. I will write here about results rebooting.

Also another thing that can cause issue is if you have multiple instance of the Bonita server running on the same DB, that can happen sometimes if a previous shutdown of the server went wrong and you still have a Java process connected to the DB.

Another Bonita instances are not working on this DB. Only, if something Java process still working… I don’t know.

But server rebooting is not good solution, it’s real working system, and we can’t reboot each time we have exceptions and errors.