I have a process with a document list. The document list is created on the instantiaction form.
In one of the human tasks a user should be able to view / add / delete his documents. I first changed formInput to a Javascript expression to get the documents from the context (and other REST API variables):
return {
"marchePublicRequestInput": $data.marchePublicRequest,
"newStatus": "resend",
"piecesJointesInput": $data.context.piecesJointes_ref
I also have an empty JSON object newDocuments
In the form I have a container iterating on $data.formInput.piecesJointesInput displaying links to the document and a delete $item button. I then added a container on newDocuments
with fileupload widget.
The formOutput merge the two collections:
return {
'marchePublicRequestInput': $data.formInput.marchePublicRequestInput,
'newStatus': $data.formInput.newStatus,
$data.formInput.piecesJointesInput == null ?
$data.nouvellesPiecesJointes :
In the operations I am trying to write a groovy script to handle this mix of existing / new documents but I do not really know where to start (I read this thread but this works for a single document). My groovyscript tries to iterate over the input but I don’t know how to handle this exactly? Can I detect object type and create my documentValue from this?
Any hint welcome (or a better solution than this one!).
The solution I got with is the one described in the comment.
On the contract have 2 multiple inputs:
- existingDocumentsInput : COMPLEX. You need at least an id attribute (integer).
- newDocumentsInput : FILE
In the UI Designer:
Change formInput from JSON to Javascript Expression returning a JSON object. existingDocumentsInput should be context document list reference.
Add an iterating container list of links for existingDocumentsInput so user can review its documents. Link text is {{ $item.fileName }}
, link URL is "/bonita/portal/" + $item.url
and target should be _top to avoid leaving current form. Add a delete button for this $collection of the $item.
Add an iterating container list of upload file widgets for newDocumentsInput so user can add new documents. Do not forget add/delete buttons to your liking!
In the studio
Add an operation for your list of documents. You need a groovy script to merge existingDocumentsInput and newDocumentsInput. The script I wrote is:
import org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.document.DocumentValue;
// Reconstruire la liste des pièces-jointes à partir du résultat
List<DocumentValue> documentsMerged = new ArrayList<DocumentValue>();
DocumentValue dv;
existingDocumentsInput.each { pj ->
// pj is a java.util.Map
Integer documentId = pj.get("id");
dv = new DocumentValue( documentId );
newDocumentsInput.each { pj ->
// pj is a FileInputValue
dv = new DocumentValue( pj.getContent(), null, pj.getFileName() );
return documentsMerged;
Hope this helps. If you have another (hopefully better) solution to handle document lists in tasks I very would like to hear of them!
In fact my solution (merging two arrays) does not work as this does not pass contract validation process (existing document cannot be converted to FILE).
A solution would be to have two contract input: one for new documents and one for existing ones. That one should be a multiple complex type variable.
Then the groovy script in the operation should merge the two contract inputs to the global document list.
There should be a better way to handle a list of document…
code formating seems to be lost 
Hi g.lapierre
you are alife saver. I have been trying to do so for many days but always getting the same error that you mentioned earlier.
You code seems to work for me. Thanks a lot.
here is my question that I had posted
Here is another article i came across –
good but didnt work for me
Thanks a lot…