How can i customize a form or a page?

what is the procedure to customize a pages or a forms on bonita?

Thanks in advance


If you develop a form or a page using UI Designer, you can see at the bottom of your page a section called “Assets”. By default UI designer integrates CSS file with default boostrap style.

To add background to your form or page, you just have to modify your css file.

For example, you can create a file “mycss.css” with this content:

 background-color : #404853;
 color: #ffffff;

If you click on the help button in your asset menu, you will have a description of all the assets available, their use on forms, pages or custom widgets.

Regarding widgets customization, each widget has general and specific properties you can configure. If those configurations do not meet your need, you can develop custom widgets.

To get more details, please refer to the following pages in our documentation :

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Can you please be a bit more precise about what you want to customize? Which version are you using? for example, with Bonita 7, thanks to UI Designer you can create pages, forms and custom widgets.
Thanks for your clarification. Delphine

hi, i use bonita 7.8.3, i want to customize the background of a page or a form and customize wigets
how can i do?

Hi !
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Oh thanks for this post i was just looking for this. It helped me to figue out the same question mcdvoice