Hi, I’ve been trying to send data from Bonitasoft to a external webservice with no success. I’m starting with an human task, with a set of variables in a contract to pass to a form that will be filled by someone. After the form is filled, all the values are passed to a set of process variables, then, in the next task, I defined a service task with an API REST in-conector, and I’m passing the variables through the payload, but when I test it, it raises an error:
[cap]: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-PZ6Rns6cGp8/WjEtoH5m6CI/AAAAAAAAAE4/3vD0hjj5Su0Wv_j9RWlV45qAXtpsAosvACL0BGAYYCw/h166/2017-12-13.png
The API call only works when I send constants in the payload, but if I try to send any kind of variable it just raises that error, this is how I’m passing the variables:
I’m using Community 7.5.4 edition. I wish you could help me, thanks in advance.