Manager created multiple tasks which have a due date. Whenever the due date reaches I would like to send a notification to the user and manager at the same time.
I returned the due dates into a process variable as an object, however, in the timer condition, only allowed java.util.Date type.
is it possible to set the fixed dates as multiple dates in the groovy script?
In the case of my process, how to approach the solution?
To understand better what you are trying to do, could you please precise what you mean by "Manager created multiple tasks which have a due date"? Do you have a picture of your diagram?
I guess you might be talking about multi-instanciation here, but which type of multi-instanciation?
If it can help, I can already tell you that in a case of multi-instanciation, timers are executed independantly for each instance. Due date is calculated for each unique instance of the multi-instanciation.
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.