How does bonita subprocess works?


I have bonita comunity 6.5.1 version and i would like create some subprocesses like these:

  • Sub_proces1
  • Sub_proces2
  • Sub_proces3

These processes, will be called through a MASTER process,like this:

  • Master_process

What i want to do is, one time the MASTER process has been started ,depending of some restriccion, i want to start Subprocess1 or Subprocess2 or Subprocess3, so how i can to do this?How does variables interact?

I have created 5 new processes and then i have tried from the MASTER process, create an “call task”, but the sub_process field from this task only appear one subprocess of 5, i don’t know what i’m doing wrong.


I think your requirement is

master_process - task_1 (get variable varI)
Gateway_1 - if varI==1 then execute call to subprocess_1
Gateway_1 - if varI==2 then execute call to subprocess_2
Gateway_1 - if varI==3 then execute call to subprocess_3

Actually it’s not necessary to have the gateway you can have all three subprocesses attached to task_1 and just give the line connectors the qualifications

varI==1, varI==2, varI==3

respectively and it will work.

The variables from the master_process will be available through the MAPPING process which you have to do. This is done in the callers detail panel.


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark a resolved

(1)How many ways are there in order to implement subproceses?
(2)How can to start the subproceses using API REST?

now i’m using this path in order to start a case from proces “Documentation”, how i can affect this path the fact of implement subproceses?

the path is as the following:

