How download a deployed process in server?



I have deployed some process in a server some weeks ago. Later, i have follow changing this process at my bonita studio, but i havent generated a new version.

Now i noted that i have lost some connectors that i need. This connectors are availables at the process version that are deployed in the server.

I have tried download the .bar from Bonita User XP but it not possible. How could I recover this processes to the bonita studio?



If you dn't have change your version number and don't have any save of your bar files, I think there is no way (except if your original bar files are somewhere on your production server for deployment purpose).


I deployed the oroginal .bar in a production server using Bonita User Xp. Would be the .bar at any folder of the server?


Once your bar files are deployed on your server, you don't need them any more (like you don't need source files when coding in others compiled languages like Java ou C++ and so on). Depending on your own policy, you can let the last version of your bar files near from your Bonita server environment or not, it's your choice.

If you have deployed using the user XP, you have a chance to find them somewhere on your server unless you deleted these files by yourself. Use your server's search engine to locate any file with a .bar extension and verify in the Studio if they are those you are looking for.

In my opinion, the only way if you have lost these files is to connect a Bonita Studio to the database used by your production environment, but I don't know if it's possible.

Hope this helps.


Hi, finally I've found the .bar files at a server directory.

I share where i found for other users at this situation:

I have using a JBoss server, and I found the .bar files at:



It depend on the instalation, but it could be a guide to find it.