How insert elements from file to LIst?

Hello to EveryOne,

i have create 2 forms in bonita 5.7.1.The first form has A TEXTFILD:Username

(In these form i would like to store or insert the name in a list,in order to store all name are given)

How could i do it?

Ths second form,i would like to print the list of name in a text area.

How could i do it?

Thank in advance


regarding your use case,

you will need to use some groovy script, 

you can just follow those different steps:

- Create a data at the process level. the type of the data has to be "java.util.List"

- in the first form, each text field must have::

expression = "${myListOfString.add(field_MyTextField1);return myListOfString;}"

<p class="rteindent1">
	save in = myListOfString</p>

- in the second form, the text area initial value must be:

initial value =

<p class="rteindent1">
	${String list = "";<br />
	myListOfString.each{<br />
	&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;list = list + it + ",";<br />

<p class="rteindent1">
	return list;}</p>


Hope this helps.

Julien Mege.