How to access the Bonita Form from external URL?


I am trying to set the pool level auto-login feature for a bonita form . I have created the username and password for the anonymous user(at pool level) and created a URL in the format of : (Note:Project Initiation is the pool name and 1.4.0 is the bos version and process = process Id ).

http://localhost:8080/bonita/?ui=form&autologin=Project%20Initiation--1.4.0#form=Project%20Initiation--1.4.0$entry&process=8068068927823037965&mode=form&locale=en .

1)Firstly,I am unable to get an UI page and instead bonita is asking me to type the creds (I tried giving the anonymous user, here :Helen,Kelly and password:bpm (Default acme test users in bonita)
2)Secondly, I am able to login to the page using the default authentication (walter,bates and his password);However the UI is filled with all the pool vatriables in it instead of the initiation form.

And also I am trying to access a human task in between the process. I have appended ‘Task’ in the URL however,I face the same issue. Please let me know where I can get a task Id for a particular Task.I have refereed the following Bonita documentation

The same when I click a run from portal is redirecting to correct initiation form.

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