Hi experts,
I’m using Bonita Community Edition 7.7.0.
Login to Bonita Porta as Administrator I can go to a Case and click in “Case Overview” and “Case Details” to see what are the values of the Business Data, Done Tasks and lot of valuable info about the execution of a Process.
Now, I’m creating a new parent diagram that calls to several processes as subprocesses, and I’d like to know where to access to that overview and details of a process when it’s ran as a subprocess.
I had the same problem few months ago.
As it turns out you cant get case Details and case overview for Sub processes cases.
For each sub process, the Parent process case Id is used as the main case Id.
Hence Case Overview and case details will only fetch Parent case details and not sub process case details.
But if you use the Parent case Id to fetch the archived tasks and current human tasks, there it will show tasks from both Parent process and Sub process.
Unfortunately, that is all you get.
I created a custom overview page and showed the tasks as completed and pending.
Also using Parent Process Id, you can fetch the Sub Process Case Id.
With the Sub Process case id , you have to make API calls to fetch Additional Info like Documents and case Comments.
I was advised not to use Sub process for this drawback.Instead use a call event to call a sub Process. That way Portal will show separate Case Id’s and allow you to monitor them individually.