How to add contract input (not complex) to the multiple business object via operations ?

Hello, I have a business obj named “gunluk”(multiple). My contract is “gunlukInput” (no complex). I have a human task that contains a simple form. I am trying to add formInput elements to the business obj(gunluk) via operations (add). But I have an error : Caused by: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: aciklama for class: java.util.HashMap$Node
My Code :
def gunlukList =
currentGunlukInput →
def gunlukVar = new
gunlukVar.aciklama = currentGunlukInput.aciklama
gunlukVar.zorluklar = currentGunlukInput.zorluklar
gunlukVar.yapilanIs = currentGunlukInput.yapilanIs
gunlukList << gunlukVar

return gunlukList
Could you help me? When I change contract to complex It works. But my contract shouldn’t be complex.

Hi, in order to help you, can you share your project as .bos file for example using Google Drive or Dropbox?

Or at least can you share a screenshot of your business object definition, the business variable declaration and the input contract definition.
