How to call bonita External api from javascript variable in form


i use bonitasoft 2022.2, i have table to display data, in this table there is id column and name column, for each $ in the table, i want to call bonitasoft api that return name , and display it in for each item in table:

So i have used this javascript function to pass my to js function to retrieve this item in variable called selected_case:

    contextApi : function(item){
        $data.selected_case = item
        return $data.caseContext

and i call this function in the table like that :  


and my external api variable caseContext


and a display the result of the api in the table in text : 


but the result i get just the last item, not for each item i get the right result from the api!

how can i call the api and get the right value foreach item?


I have the same problem.

I have a userList getted  from :     ../API/identity/user?p=0&c=199

I iterate this list with a for, and I get the user information about groups with another API external:

getUserGroups = /bonita/API/identity/membership?p=0&c=10&f=user_id%3d{{selectedUser}}&d=role_id&d=group_id


let rdList = [];
for (let i = 0; i < $data.userList.length; i++) {
  $data.selectedUser = $data.userList[i];


		<p>return rdList;</p>


And i receive a list with a userList length, but with the information of the last user in all the lines.

Than you.