How to deploy bonita and changing the URL to a VM Server (Community Edition)


Please help guys. I want to custom my url and deploy my bonita page in VM Server.

Deployment in the VM is just like any other computer - easy.

The URL would also be simple enough - it’s the name of the VM server, if you call the server:

bonitaBPM your URL would then be


You could shorten this to:


by changing the Apache Port to 80 (default web port)

Don’t forget to ensure the VM has it’s port open for traffic :slight_smile:


PS: As this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

Could you please provide more details what is your objective? I feel that if you deploy bonita in an application server hosted in a VM server, the URL would be something like https://<VM_IP>:8080/bonita. How would like it to be?


I want to use this name http://webforms.smretail.intranet but i dont where will i configure this.


My VM server name is hobnta01 so when I access it it will be hobnta01:8080/bonita but i want the url to be http://webforms.smretail.intranet/bonita. Is this possible? What do I need in my VM server and how to deploy my bonita do i need to install bonitasoft to run the page?

See updated post below - gave the wrong server info…

OK from the beginning

Create a new VM
Install Bonitasoft Production Portal (I’ll assume Tomcat)
See the following post for EXACTLY what you want to do…

This is much better than the last example I gave,


Hi Sean,

I am only using the communty edition. Need a detailed deployment for my bonita.

Hi Sean,

Just want the step by step deployment in VM production instance. Windows Server. And also customization of URL. Need guidance and help

Please help.
