I’m using BonitaSoft Community version 6.5.2 ;
I have the following challenge:
Make a Select type widget with the name bd_mnt_niveis1 be criteria to display values in the widget name bd_mnt_niveis2 (Type a drill down or dependent list) and so then to bd_mnt_niveis3 as below:
I have the variables in the Pool:
Data type: Objeto Java
Class: java.util.List
Is multiple
var_bd_mnt_niveis1 | Objective: To receive the widget bd_mnt_niveis1
var_bd_mnt_niveis2 | Objective: To receive the widget bd_mnt_niveis2
var_bd_mnt_niveis3 | Objective: To receive the widget bd_mnt_niveis3
bd_mnt_niveis | Objective: Since receiving the MySQL Data Base connector - Mother with attributes: ID_NIVEL | NIVEL_1 | NIVEL_2 | NIVEL_3
On widget bd_mnt_niveis1 | Aba Dados | Available values:
int x = 0; int y = bd_mnt_niveis.size(); List retorno = new ArrayList(); while(x<y) { retorno.add(bd_mnt_niveis[x][1]); x++; } return new ArrayList(new HashSet(retorno));Output operation: var_niveis_nivel1 add field_bd_mnt_niveis1
On widget bd_mnt_niveis2 | Aba Dados | Available values:
int x = 0; int y = bd_mnt_niveis.size(); List retorno = new ArrayList(); while(x<y) { if (bd_mnt_niveis[x][1]=="Mecânica") { retorno.add(bd_mnt_niveis[x][2]); } x++; } return new ArrayList(new HashSet(retorno));Output operation: var_niveis_nivel2 add field_bd_mnt_niveis2
Where it says “Mecânica” would like to receive the value of field_bd_mnt_niveis1 to stay dynamic
Does anyone have any idea how to make the widget Select bd_mnt_niveis2 be dynamic as the user chooses in bd_mnt_niveis2?
*Forgive me if I messed up a little in translation, I am Brazilian