How to Display Database data into Table widget

I found some discussion and try to apply following procedure to display data of external database into table widget.
I’m total new on this environment. pl provide me specific procedure .

I’m using ,
Bonita soft 6.3 communitiy
Oracle database 10g

  1. Create oracle data source connector.
  2. Enter database access information
  3. Write Query : SELECT * FROM ZZ_TEST
  4. Select scripting mode.
  5. On output : create variable → type : java.util.list
  6. Available value : default value write following script

    final List<List> resultTable = new ArrayList<List>();
    int maxColumn = Resultset.getMetaData().getColumnCount()+1;
    final List row = new ArrayList();
    for(int colIndex = 1; colIndex < maxColumn ; colIndex++){
![d]( 7. Finish 8. In form take table widget > gen > data > default Val > this field 9. When run : error while submitting
