How to get a specific value of data after submitting on first task


Just want to ask how to get a specific value of data after submitting on first task. After I click submit button and then the approver will click approve a sequential number depending on the company of the creator will be generated. I want to get the max number with the company if company is the same and have an existing number then +1 but if newly created processes without number then start with 1. But I cannot get the max number and the company of the processes as well. The task failed after I submit after approval. I do the generation on operations and set the number using groovy. See below code and custom query:

Groovy code
int numSeq = 0
if(pettyCashHeaderDAO.findByMaxPetCashNo().toString() == “”)
numSeq = 1
def petCashNum = numSeq.toString().padLeft(6, ‘0’)

return petCashNum

Custom Query

SELECT MAX(p.petCashNo)
FROM PettyCashHeader p
WHERE p.isApproved = true
ORDER BY p.preparedDate ASC

Please help. Thank you guys.

Hi christianmichaelgarizala,

Unfortunely, the DAO obejct related to your object is not accessible from Groovy scripts, there is a knowm limitation that blocks us to use it. So you will never get your custom query executed and will always get a error !

I suggest you to do a connector before the task to get the desire information and in your groovy code for operation use it to increment and set to your object attribute.

Marcos Vinícius Pinto

In my Process , I use the Custom query to retrieve the Max Req Id and then Increment it by 1 each time.
Here is the custom query

SELECT coalesce(Max(requestId), 0)
FROM RPrenewalProcess

note that the return type is count and all parameters are removed.

Now in my Task => operations
i use the Below script to increment the value.
(rPrenewalProcessDAO.MaxRequestId() + 1).toString();

note that in my case the variable to hold req id is of type text . If you have long variable , then no need to use toString();

Hope this helps