How to get individual value from REST API returned from Oracle database in the UI


have created a simple REST API call that access the database and returns a JSON object.
I can display the JSON in the form ok, so all that is good.

My question is - how can I access the individuate JSON item, in this case the “greeting” item.

*{“items”:[{“greeting”:“Hello joe from ORDSTEST”}],“hasMore”:false,“limit”:25,“offset”:0,“count”:1,“links”:[{“rel”:“self”,“href”:“http://development:8080/ords/ordstest/examples/routes/greeting/joe"},{“rel”:“describedby”,“href”:“http://development:8080/ords/ordstest/metadata-catalog/examples/routes/greeting/item”},{“rel”:“first”,“href”:"http://development:8080/ords/ordstest/examples/routes/greeting/joe”}]}
In the form I have define an External API variable “result” that has the value “http://development:8080/ords/ordstest/examples/routes/greeting/joe

I tried to read the greetings value to a input field using “result.greeting” but that didn’t work.

Whats the way to access the JSON object and get the “greeting” to a variable that can then be displays in the form?


Sorted, the fact that java starts things with zero and not one, did get me.
The code below returned the “greeting” value ok.

