How to grab actor filter userid and send to email connector

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I have successfully created a actor filter with the following steps. My questions is how to grab the userid in the actor filter and put it to email connector? I am lost.

create one data variable:uid with datatype : long (that will store single user’s id)

in first task’s form take one select box , in available value paste following code .
that will give list of all available user

import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.*;
List users = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI().getUsers(0, 200, UserCriterion.FIRST_NAME_ASC);
Map<String,Long> combo = new HashMap<String,Long>();

for(User u:users)

return combo
return type :
should be :

in output operation :
first filed - select that variable (uid) takes value of field - click on pencil (script) paste following
def long l = Long.parseLong(field_Select1);
task 2 → actor → set actor filter → add Uid variable

Run process ,
