Hi all
I am a newbie at Bonita 7.2.0, and have some doubts.
I have added a new porcess variable in the Bonita Studio, and I want to modify the value from a form button, I have one contract in that task to send datas from the form to the bonita flow.
In the button that I use to send the task, I have a javascript expression like this, with ti objects from the contract:
return {
notificacionRiesgo --> ../{{context.notificacionRiesgo_ref.link}}
iniciar investigacion --> ../API/bpm/activityVariable/{{taskId}}/iniciar_investigacion
And I also have some “Operations” to map values between the contracts and the process variables and bdm variables.
Recently I added the porcess variable iniciar_proceso, and I forgot to add it to the contract, and to the operations of the task to map the value. In consecuence, I didn’t get the value in flow instance, is it normal ?
is there any alternative way of mapping the values between the form and the process variables without using a contract and an operation? Because I think it isn’t very intuitive.
Some times I add new fields in the form and I forget to add it to the contract, I don’t get the values.
I think it’s tedious.
Thank you very much.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,