How to pass multi attribute values from one form to another

Hi there,

Currently I can pass single attribute information inputted in one form to another but I’m cannot seem to be able to figure out how to pass a multi-valued attribute from one form to another. I tried this for example, poolvariable.mutlivaluedattributename.attributename in the value areas on the UI designer. I also have the api variable created too.


Edit: Sorry about the double post.

So in the UI I’ve added a text widget and I’ve typed, for example ,{{businessvariable.multivaluedattributename}}. It has come up with the data that was inputted in the previous form however it lists the information like this for example [{“persistenceId”:xx,“persistenceId_string”:“xx”,“persistenceVersion”:0,“persistenceVersion_string”:“0”,“attribute1”:“xx”,

How would it be possible to extract just the information that is labelled “xx” and only display that?


In order to better understand your use case would you mind sharing your process and data model? You can export them from the Studio as a .bos file and use Google Drive, Dropbow… to share them.

When you mention two forms, do you mean two tasks having each one a form associated?

Can you confirm that you are using BDM feature to store the data?