Hi there,
Currently I can pass single attribute information inputted in one form to another but I’m cannot seem to be able to figure out how to pass a multi-valued attribute from one form to another. I tried this for example, poolvariable.mutlivaluedattributename.attributename in the value areas on the UI designer. I also have the api variable created too.
Edit: Sorry about the double post.
So in the UI I’ve added a text widget and I’ve typed, for example ,{{businessvariable.multivaluedattributename}}. It has come up with the data that was inputted in the previous form however it lists the information like this for example [{“persistenceId”:xx,“persistenceId_string”:“xx”,“persistenceVersion”:0,“persistenceVersion_string”:“0”,“attribute1”:“xx”,
How would it be possible to extract just the information that is labelled “xx” and only display that?