How to pass parameter to process instance

Hi. I am a newbie to Bonitasoft.

I have created a page to display a list of clients.
I know how to select the row on the table; but i need know how to pass the client persistanceId (code) to my edit / update process; in order to edit the details for that client.

Would it correct to try set a variable & somehow pass this to the process: - or am i completely wrong?

Thanks in advance!


I assume your list of clients is stored in the BDM. If so, when you display the list of clients on your form, you should have the persistenceid of each single row available.
So, you can pass this persistenceId when submitted the task. For that you need to define the value as input parameter of the contract task.
Then in the task operations, you can use the available DAOs to retrieve the client using the method findByPersistenceId.
