How to remove bonitasoft logo in login form

How to remove bonitasoft logo in login form…any suggestion please??

i did a search, but alas the links are not there it seems.

i know nothing, but here is what I would do…

  1. Hover over the image you dont want on a webpage
  2. Right click on the image you dont want, save it on your desktop.
  3. Note the name of the file, eg. bonitblahlogo.gif or png or whatever it it.
  4. Get cygwin and use it to go find the file. Eg find -L . -name bonitablah.png
  5. Replace that file with yours, make it same NxM pixels…

This depends on whether you are using Community edition or Subscription Edition.
If you are using subscription, then you can export the Current look and feel.
That would come as a zip file.Now unzip the files and replace the Logo image with your own image.
Rezip the files and import the New Look and feel.
keep in mind, the Images that you replace should be same Pixel size as original Bonitasoft Logo images.

i want to remove bonitasoft logo in the Community edition suggestion please…

Sorry, I dont know how to do that.
Please search all questions related to changing the Bonitasoft Logo in community.
There was a similar question answered by Sean.