How to remove data items from BDM?

I am testing a simple process that allows a user to add items to a BDM / business object, show them (this part works now) and remove the selected items.
I have a business object Book defined in the BDM. I can add books and display them in a form.
My “Remove” task is supposed to remove a selectedBook from the data base. I get the selectedBook from the form and return it to the process via contract.

How can I define an operation for the Remove task that that takes the selectedBook and removes the corresponding item in the Book BO in the BDM?

Thank you!


BDO’s are designed to be persistent, that means they will always be present. You should change the BDM to have a deleted flag and use that as part of your query.

For example Select * from books where Deleted = false;

When you use the Remove Button you should then use the Operation (script) to update the BDM to say Deleted = true.


PS: As this reply offers an answer your question, and if you like it, please Mark UP and/or as Resolved.

 In many cases, it is good to know how to remove data items from BDM. If you want the removal process to be painless, it is important that you find out how to do it. Once you know how to remove data items from BDM, then they will not be a problem anymore. I prefer to check this foam and get more skills about roof spray foam with the best quality. You will feel more relaxed whenever you see these pesky log files popping up on your screen or desktop.