I want to make financial statement, where the user can download the transaction history (deposit, withdraw, transfer, etc.) and the amount of the transaction at that time?
The users are expected to input the start date and end date, and the database will be shown in the statement between those two date.
I am stuck on figuring the docx template on what should i fill, and the code for the connector in .docx/.odt file
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I have tried for the looping, but it is not showing anything for the history. there are some data in the transaction database
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Could it be simply a typo in the naming of your variables? I mean the documentation says to write variables ${varName} but in your screenshot I read {$varName} ==> the $ sign seems to be misplaced.
The documentation I am mentioning: Insert data in a docx or odt template
Can you try and let us know if that fixed your issue?
Captain Bonita