How to show a pop-up or modal panel to fill in some fileds of one row of a table?

Hi all

I am a newbie at Bonita 7.2, and I need to add new rows to a table that I’m showing, but I don’t know how to open a pop-up or modal panel to fill in the fields and create that new row in the table.

Thank you very much

Without using a Custom Widget, I’m not sure you can.

You could have a look at the following though I’m not sure it will work with 7.2, it should, but try it.


PS: I realize this isn’t the full answer you were looking for but as it answers your question, please mark as resolved.

I make it whit a customWidget based on pbTable or pbDataTable

Yo can access to them in:

http://localhost:8080/designer/#/es/widget/pbDataTable (subscription)

http://localhost:8080/designer/#/es/widget/pbTable (community)

Then i change the code and save to a customWidget, i use jquery to show modal.

Thank you very much for your help, I think this may work also with 7.2, but I have tried the option that gave me eduardocortez1

Thank you

ok, thank you very much, I did this (community version), and I used jquery to open a modal panel, the unique problem is that i don’t know how to add the element to a Collection from the pannel.

Thank you very much