How to show content of a process variable in UI table


I have a process variable “test”, which is initialized as:

import groovy.json.JsonBuilder;
List test = new ArrayList();
def builder = new JsonBuilder();

def line1 = builder {
name “Sam”
age 32

def line2 = builder {
name “Tom”
age 23

return test;

And in UI designer I have a variable: test = …/API/bpm/caseVariable/{{task.caseId}}/test

The problem is that if I just display test.value in a text area it shows the values properly, but in a table using:

  • content = test.value
  • column keys = name, age
    nothing appears.

So, what could I be doing wrong?

Thanks for the help.

any answer?

Hi Alberto, do you get any answer?