How to skip a flownode in Bonita Community?

I’m having trouble completing cases in BonitaPlatform because a flownode of type gateway has failed. Although I fixed the flow, some cases remain stuck in an incomplete state, even though all tasks have been completed. The issue seems to be caused by this flownode error.

I tried using the admin platform to skip the flownode, but it returned a “not found” error, as skipping is only supported for activities, not flownodes. I also reviewed Bonita Engine methods but couldn’t find a way to skip a flownode.

Does anyone know how I can solve this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi @druvincan

Skipping flow nodes through the Admin Application is only available on Enterprise Edition. If you’re interested you can ask for a free trial: Try Bonita for free

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for responding. I know that to cancel flow nodes, you need the Enterprise version, but my question is focused on whether there is any method in the Bonita Engine to skip a flow node of type gateway ?

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Hi again!
Yes, there is a method as part of the Bonita APIs but it is reserved for Enterprise Ed. only
Update the FlowNode by ID: Bonita API - 0.0.21

Hope this answers your question.

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I understand that there a method available in the BonitaSoft RestAPI Enterprise, but what I’m asking is whether there is a method in the BonitaSoft Engine to skip gateway-type node flows (Overview (Bonita Engine 9.0.5 API)). I have many active cases due to this failed flow node, and what I need is to skip it. Or is there another way to complete these cases?

Thank you in advance

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Hi again,

You could find all failed cases (process instances with failed status): Bonita API - 0.0.21
and then delete them Bonita API - 0.0.21
This should at least archive those cases.

Hope this helps!

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Hi again,

Thank you for the suggestion! However, I cannot delete the cases directly. What I need is to update their status to “Completed” instead. Is there a way to achieve this without deleting them? Alternatively, if archiving the cases is the only solution, can you confirm if this will effectively mark them as completed in the system?

Looking forward to your guidance!

Best regards,

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What Thalia says is to “delete” the case, through the admin portal, not “archive”: deleting the case will indeed remove the entire process instance (=case) along with all its elements.
That being said, you have another possibility:
processAPI.setActivityStateByName(flownodeInstanceId, "skipped")
Indeed, that will skip the failed flownode and continue its execution.
Hope this helps

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