I am working on Talend 5.4.1 using Bonita components.
I have created bpm process and trying to trigger using Bonita components.
Configured tBonitaInstantiateProcess component - Runtime Home path - /bonita-server.xml
logging.properties and jaas properties path.
We are getting below error while configuring tBonitaInstantiateProcess with 5.10.1 version:
Bonita Error: bai_APII_2
Ouch! Unexpected error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:/Talend/5.4.1/esb/container/etc/bonita/server/default/conf/bonita-server.xml\server\default\conf\bonita-server.xml
**** Instance null created ****
| tLogRow_1 |
|null |
Could anyone help me on how to trigger bpm process using tBonitaDeploy and tBonitaInstantiateProcess component?