How to Use the Step Bar custom widget

Hi Community

Is there any one who has used the Step Bar custom widget successfully. When I tried to Import it in UI designer , I got the error that

Incorrect zip structure.

The artifact has not been imported.

Check that the zip file structure matches a standard UI Designer export.


Can someone share a page where they have used this Widget ?? Please also mention the Bonita Version used ??



Hello Roy,

You've got an example (one sample page) in the Github repository:

Clone the repository from your Studio, have a look at how it's used and you can then export the widget and use it in other projects.

Let me know if you still have issues,


Hello Haris

I cloned the GIT Repo in Bonita and I can now use the Step Bar widget. Thank you so much.

Earlier I was downloading as zip file and trying to Import in UI designer.

Thanks you again.

Yes for GitHub it is easier to clone the repository. Or you can go to releases and download the .bos file. You can then import it in  Bonita.