How to use variable's value inside task display name?

I have activity “Create new VoIP account” and users will see task named the same.
I would like to make name more informative by adding some context information: “Create new VoIP account for John Biggalow”.
How can I do this assuming I have process variable employeeName?

Click on the task and go to the Portal subtab on the General tab. You will find a dynamic name field. Click on a pencil to edit a script.
Here is a hint of what your script might look like (not tested):

"Create new VoIP account for " + employeeName

(considering that employeeName is of text type.
Hope this helps,

This doesn’t work, task name displayed on portal is “Create new VoIP account for” + employeeName
Just like this, with all the quotes and plus sign etc.

Please choose Script as expression type, and not Constant

Thanks a lot! I didn’t noticed that ‘pencil’ icon on a right hand side of input field is actionable.